

name: pacifique juru
age: 24
occupation: etudiant
country: Rwanda
your massege toward Japan and the rest of the world:
Je suis au Rwanda et j`aime ma famille et je suis fiere d`etre Rwandais
parce que mon pays se develope vite. Quand le passe de 
notre pays il y a bcp de changement,au niveau de la
technologie,tourisme,danse,polique,economie,securite,education. le peuple a 
une vision d`etre pays autonome. mugire amahoro y`Imana


name: Agnes Bateta
age: 30
occupation: Journalist
country: Rwanda
message toward Japan and the rest of the world: Meetings such as these with leaders from developed and developing
countries should enhance transfer of development experiences.


名前: Agnes Batera
年齢: 30
職業: ジャーナリスト
出身国: ルワンダ
メッセージ: このような発展途上国・先進国のリーダーとの会合では、経験や知識の交換を促進できる。

name: Heinrich MUTSINZI Rukundo
age: 32
occupation: Education Specialist
country: Rwanda
message toward Japan and the rest of the world:
Rwanda has experienced remarkable recovery since the war and genocide.The development focus in the country is people centered with the aim of creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accordance with their needs and interests.Enlarging people's choices has much meaning for development.


名前: Heinrich MUTSINZI Rukunbo
年齢: 32
職業: 教育専門家
出身国: ルワンダ
メッセージ: ルワンダは内戦やジェノサイド以来、目覚しい回復を遂げてきた。


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