

Western_Sahara.jpgname: Mohamed Ahmed Laabeid
age: 37
occupation: Association of the Families of Saharawi Prisoners and
Disappeareds (AFAPREDESA)
country: Western Sahara 

MohamedAhmedLaabeid.jpgmy massege toward Japan:  Under international law, the outstanding question of Western Sahara can and should be treated under two distinct legal regimes. The first is laws regulating Non-Self-Governing territories and decolonization, which has become the dominant juridical discourse of Western Sahara. The second, however, has been systematically evaded by the international community: laws governing the use of force in international relations (jus ad bellum) and laws
governing war itself (jus in bello), including International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Freedum for Western Sahara: the Africa's last colony

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